About Fábio Rekowsky

Rekowsky Serviços is based in Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina State in southern Brazil and has over 20 years of expertise in domestic and international purchases, as well as in supplier development and qualification in domestic and international markets. Furthermore, we provide services in accompanying customers in international fairs and supplier visits.

Commercial Representation

PCI - Origin: China (Exclusive throughout Brazil)

Placas de circuito impresso

Printed Circuit Boards

RALTTEK (Exclusive southern Brazil - PR, SC and RS)

Power supply and chargers


Implementação do Setor de Compras

Implementation of the purchasing department and supplier development

  • Research of materials and supplier development and qualification:
    International and domestic markets.

Compras para Projetos Específicos

Purchases for specific projects

  • Quotation;
  • Definition;
  • Purchase order;
  • Follow-up.

Suporte em Logística internacional

International Logistics Support

  • Support and organization in international fairs and supplier visit; 
  • Landed goods calculation;
  • Documentation;
  • Goods collection;
  • In-company delivery.


Expertise in industrial and commercial segments

Conhecimento Aplicado

Expertise in market needs


Engagement aiming the best possible solution


We locate solutions for your needs


Constant search for better results

Why you should hire us

5 principles of our work

We analyse our customers’ needs in order to deliver solutions for the company’s  operations, providing results using lean processes and aiming a long-term relationship.

Our customers


Contact us

    Do you hany other inquiries?

    Get in touch with us by email, Skype or Whatsapp.

    Rua Pedro Gesser, 98 | Amizade | Jaraguá do Sul CEP 89255-423